Not to make too broad a statement but many, many Japanese women love their scarves. Being designer fashion conscious, Hermes, Gucci, Ferragamo, et al were through out Tokyo. Many were simply draped over their shoulders but with the ends held not tied, what I called The Hermes Clutch. In New York City, I would would say protection from snatch and run thieves but such crime is uncommon in Japan. Tying to the hand bag was another popular style.
If a woman is in a uniform, from ticket agents, flight attendant, car rental, department store greeters, a scarf is part of outfit. I've never really understood the flight attendant fetish but after 13 hours of watching the JAL attendants change their scarf styles through out the flight, I'm beginning to. I chatted a couple of them up, complimenting the precise styling, how they were always changing. "we get bored too, we help each other to get everything right" was the answer. I asked if there was an Official Japan Airlines Scarf Tying Guide, hoping, of course, one might pull it out and offer to me, but, no, they learned form each other and practiced together. Well, this vision gave me many hours of fantasy................
There was a scarf styling demonstration in a department store that looked like this