Mending from surgery, I have been able to spend a day prowling the web in search of the Absolute, Quintessential Scarf
site/blog so I could swipe the brilliance for here and be spared the writing. I came across a posting from Echo Scarfs on why they were Scarfs, not Scarves. It's all about history. But as a kid, this was really a serious distinction to be made. I used scarfs for the longest time before bowing to contemporary usage of scarves. Sorry Edgar and Theresa, Echo's 1923 founders.
In my
58 or so years of scarf gathering, collecting, appropriating, rescuing hundreds of scarves, I have found only two in the same pattern, both with different colorways. Trolling through the vast richness of flickr, I have never seen a scarf I have owned. How many scarves are there out there? Where are they? Unlike coin, stamp or Collectible Spoons from Ike's era, there are no guides to scarf collecting. I thrifted a Vera the other day without a clue as to how many patterns and colors were issued in that series. Not like baseball cards, I'll trade you a Duke Snider for Stan Musial